Look Out Amazing Bison Are On The Move In Yellowstone
Some gates are open, others opening soon and the crowds are already flocking to Yellowstone National Park. This means the videos and pictures are starting to surface of stunning moments from the incredible WILDlife.
It's been a wild winter all over Wyoming, that includes the Greater Yellowstone Ecosystem. 2022 wasn't very kind to this region, with the devastating flood that caused the park to the entire park to close for a period of time. Some roads, bridges and building were destroyed and are still being worked on. It wasn't the best way to celebrate the parks 150th Anniversary.
2023, is going to be a great year for the park. Tourists that had to change their plans last year, are going to get their chance to explore and enjoy the park. Folks that come every year are going to be able to see new sights and employees are going to notice updated facilities.
You can see the improvements and updates about the park in the 2023 State of the Park report.
One of the main draws to Yellowstone is the possibility to see the parks permanent residents, the thousands of wild animals.
Bison, bears, wolves, eagles, mountain lions, aren't found everywhere in the U.S., but people know when they visit Wyoming, there's a chance to see those majestic creatures.
With social media, smartphones and everyone's ability to show the world their pictures and videos, we get to see all the parts of the park.
Being in the right place, at the right time is part of the mystery of Yellowstone. Knowing the best places to see particular animals and what their patterns are, give you the best chance of spotting the animals. Just going and driving in circles may work, but animals are creatures of habit. They go to the same places, eat the same food and sleep in the same areas. Figure that out and you're golden.
The bison numbers may be stronger than they've ever been in the park. Nearly 6,000 of the giants call Yellowstone home. More bison, more chances to see them. Especially if you're in the middle of a stampede.
A video captured on May 7th, shows a large herd of bison running across a bridge. Some of the bison are seasoned pros at dodging tourist vehicles. Others are just babies that are getting the experience for the first time.