A camp out and hike celebrating National Trails Day this weekend is the second in a summer long series of offerings by the Wyoming Wilderness Association. This weekend's outing features hikes into the remote center of the Big Horn Basin, the following weekend June 11th another hike heads up Dry Medicine lodge Canyon.

Carolyn Schroth, for the Wyoming Wilderness Association says most of the 18 outings offered over the summer are free of charge and include varying degrees of difficulty, "and then we also have woven in some very interesting hikes that provide deeper education not only about the area, but about photography, painting, and yoga and meditation."

A good example of that, Schroth says,  will be on June 19th when they take a short but difficult hike led by a botanist and a biologist.

"One that's very, very, popular is the Big Horn National Forest and that's on Sunday June 19th. That is a flower and photography hike with Clare Leon, who's a Botanist, and Ami Erickson, who's a Sheridan College Biologist."

In July is a five day hike and pack trip into the Rock Creek recommended wilderness area. That outing provides packing services and so is one of two that include a packing fee. At the end of the summer is a three day photography workshop also in the Rock Creek area.

Other outings include the Gros Vent Wilderness, Bridger Teton National Forest and the Red Desert.

The Wyoming Wilderness Association has been in existence since 2003 protecting wild lands in Wyoming.

Follow this link to more information http://www.wildwyo.org/

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