The Wyoming Business Alliance has issued a press release endorsing the bill in the legislature that would prohibit discrimination against gays and lesbians. Here is the statement from the Council...

The Wyoming Business Alliance recognizes and strongly supports the importance SF 115. It is a business issue. The reasonings are as follows:

1.) This is an employment bill which acknowledges basic workforce and workplace protections.

2.) The lingering stigma of the tragic death of Matthew Shepard still exists. Wyoming's image was impacted then and negative perceptions about Wyoming as a state now, once again, swirl in conversations and news reporting.

3.) With SF 115, agree or not, Wyoming's image once again is in the public domain. The eyes of the nation are on us, especially via social media and its extensive reach--Facebook, Twitter, etc. Negative perceptions about our national and international image damage economic development efforts.

4.) Is an emerging economic sector for Wyoming. It will retreat if SF 115 is defeated. And as energy is challenged, we need to build energy sectors seriously.

5.) Businesses across America have in place anti-discrimination policies. They make expansion and relocation decisions based on their corporate policies.

6.) Protected classes already are written into Wyoming Employment statutes--for people who are disabled, or by age, sex, race, creed, color, national origin, ancestry, or pregnancy. Gays

and lesbians have lost their jobs simply because of their preferences, not their ability to do their work

7.) SF 115 therefore is a workplace protection bill. It is in Wyoming's interest today and going forward to pass this legislation in order to be favorably compared to other states on workplace environment issues.

8.) While SF 115, it is a business and economic development issue. it does not require the expenditure of economic development funds. In fact this bill leverages already appropriated funds to be more effective.

9.) A broad religious exemption exists in the bill, strengthened by Senator Drew Perkins. Religious corporations, entities, associated groups and religiously expressive associations are exempt.

Today in Wyoming workers have in fact been hurt by severe discrimination for being gay. Realistically, this is a problem which has to be addressed, as intended by SF 115. A headline implying that Wyoming is a state which does not protect gays and lesbians in the workplace will negatively impact not only business, but also the Equality State's stature.

Please vote yes for SF115.

Thank you,

Bill Schilling


Wyoming Business Alliance



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